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Big Brother 1. 9 Finale results "thank god" Big Brother 1. Spoilers. Observations from the Big Brother 1.

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Season Finale: When Paul and Josh were in the “good- bye group hug” with Christmas, Paul gave a death stare directly into the camera. I imagine that was his “mission accomplished” signal. There also seemed to be a hint of ” I’m almost rid of these patsies.

Soon I can drop the pretext.”Ahh, but as it turned out, he just couldn’t hold it together any longer. Right after the jury “interrogation,” as the network was taking a station break, Josh tried to reach for Paul’s hand and Paul was not having it. Josh looked surprised and tried to put an arm around Paul’s neck and Paul literally turned his back and pulled as far away from him as possible without getting up from his chair. Josh seemed to be asking, “what’s wrong, buddy?”Josh, who had just proclaimed how intelligent he is, still struggles with reading social clues. Paul was beginning to sense that the same jury ( with the exception of Cody) whom he had eating out of the palm of his hand all summer, and who had relied upon him for their every move in the game, had awakened from their long summers’ nap and begun to think for themselves. Happy guy, Josh, was hopeful and optimistic, but totally confused by Paul’s sudden mood swing. The “old Paul” was back. Watch Clowntergeist Streaming.

You know, the guy who does not tolerate opposition to his rule, who lashes out verbally and aims to destroy the spirit of anyone who challenges his “authority.” (Or as Eric Cartman would say, “my authori. TAY.”) Sorry, I couldn’t resist…Problem: “Old Paul” was forced to put a lid on that version of himself because, for the first time, all season, he was no longer seated on his throne.

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Watch Elena Undone Download

His “Subjects” were holding all of the power. And then came the speeches. Both Paul AND Josh were bundles of nerves. What Paul said was factually accurate and, as expected, well- rehearsed. What Josh said was at times, delusional, mainly because he had forgotten how many of his “victories” were orchestrated by Paul. Alas, when Josh’s speech turned into Dead air on Live TV, Paul having pulled himself together during the station break, gave Josh a reassuring tap on the leg.

The post- mortem commentary by the non- jury/ earlier evictees lightened the mood a bit and Paul’s spirits seemed lifted. He didn’t much appreciate Josh’s DR farewells wherein Josh put him on blast.

Interesting… Paul really had hoped to get through this with “no blood on my hands.” And the one he viewed as his most dim bulb was the only one able to shine a spotlight on Paul’s shade. Raising Hope Episodes Free Online there. In terms of body language, Josh was open, with feet flat on the floor and (when he wasn’t clutching Paul’s hand), seated with his arms positioned comfortably on the chair’s armrest. He was happy to be there and ready to accept whatever the jury decided.

Paul- not so much. In general, he sat with his arms either folded, or hands clasped in his lap; his legs were crossed. But for what seemed like Josh’s insistence upon holding hands (in friendship)— at one point, he even kissed the back of Paul’s hand, while clutching it— it didn’t seem as though hand- holding would have been Paul’s preference. And then came the votes: Both assumed “let us pray” posture, while holding hands. For one brief, shining moment, Paul almost allowed himself to exhale.

But then came the body blow. Ohhh, the frustration… Not again!!! Noooo… This can’t be happening!!! Julie: ”And the final vote?

Cody!”Josh emerged victorious!! For those who thought taking Paul to Final 2 would be a death knell to Josh’s game, apparently not. Yes, yes, under ordinary circumstances Paul would have won. But there was nothing ordinary about this season. A bitter jury pooled their resources and handed over the big money to Josh. We will never know what would have happened had Josh and Christmas turned the tables on Paul, because Christmas forgot why she was there. I suspect she was as surprised as Paul that Josh won.

She certainly didn’t vote for him. Hard to say what she meant when she said her vote was, “1. Yoo hoo, Christmas!! The time for “game moves” is when you’re still in the house!! The “game” portion has concluded if you and the other HGs are being asked to cast your “final votes.”Time to exit the Big Brother house, fellas!!! Paul faked a congratulatory hug and kept it moving. Josh attempted to exit WITH his new best friend, Paul.

Paul waved him off so he could take a “moment.” Josh exited the house, the confetti flowed, and Paul’s exit was masked, no doubt, as he intended. For some fans, the only thing sweeter would have been Paul on the jury, deciding between Christmas and Josh. I don’t suppose Paul is giving thanks that he didn’t come in third. Once again, a single vote stood between him and the thing he coveted most.

Paul was awarded yet another second- place finish and was left dazed and confused. Julie asked his opinion on why things turned out this way and all he could offer up was, “I don’t know. The stats were there.”And so, Paul, in the immortal words of your favorite underling, “Ya played ya self.” Now then, class, what have we learned? Well, for one thing, people can tolerate being defeated by a better player. But, what really frosts their cookies is being made to feel foolish in the process. And they might even have taken some ownership for their own part in contributing to that feeling. But what seems to have been unforgivable for this group was the unnecessary and WAY over the top ABUSE that accompanied each eviction.

So, I guess the big lesson learned is that people will put up with a lot, but they must be able to walk away with their dignity intact. Kevin is a good sport and is mature enough to know that the crap- fest that played out in the house changes nothing in his real life. Matt, Raven, and Christmas are like battered children, still trying to please their abuser. And Paul may never understand why everyone didn’t just “shake it off.”. For all his spectacularly impressive skills at bending people to his will, he never learned when enough was enough. Lines were crossed, his success went to his head, and he became abusive, even toward his “followers.”I guess it’s true: Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Also, Big Brother, at it’s heart, is still about people, NOT STATS.

Ahhh, but there was still one more bit of business to which Julie Chen was obliged to attend: America’s Favorite Player. Who could it be? Who could it be?? None other than Jessica’s favorite Marine and Houseguest, CODY!!!! Watch The Big Picture Online (2017). He clearly did not expect it.